With every vacation comes the thought that I will write prolifically.  I love to write and never go far without paper (or wordpad).  I envision a daily blog, inspired by the sandy beach, tropical breeze, and ocean waves.  I wrote such a blog on a previous vacation, much to my delight and several others who read my musings.

This time, I have yet to finish a single blog entry. My mind is all over the map.  I started a train of thought about the magic and wonder I find only in a beach setting.  Suddenly, my mind shifted gears to pictures and word images, and I found myself writing about mid-century cameras and eight-millimeter film.  I finished my first day with an unfinished blog.  I thought to myself, “tomorrow I’ll get in the groove.”

Tomorrow brought a restless state of people watching on the beach and writing about an apparent world-wide shortage of mirrors, until I saw the couple with the pink retro bag.  That bag led to a half page on the family “you pack it, you carry it” rule.  Day two ended with a great dinner on the beach with friends, but still no blog.

Writer’s block, you say?  No… I’ve had writer’s block.  In that state, I can’t write anything beyond an opening sentence.  Writer’s block is the ultimate brain freeze.  My brain is not frozen.  My brain is stuck in overdrive.  I can’t concentrate on one subject long enough to keep up with my thoughts, let alone capture them.  Since I was advised (okay, urged) by all who know me well to relax on this vacation, I am determined not to resort to locking myself in a room until I finish a blog entry.  

So far, I have succeeded.  I have resisted the urge to stop the flow of words because I switch so rapidly from sand to cameras to mirrors to pink bags.  I will go back and finish those thoughts sometime.  Until then, I will try to relax.  I will enjoy the day, go with the flow, take in the scenery, and write whatever comes.

Ooooohhhh…. those shoes would match that pink retro bag!

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